Friday, January 9, 2009

Jenn likes (?) to burn food!

Its kinda a funny running joke that Jenn has to burn something while we are at the cabin. And I don't mean the little 'oops I think I cooked that too long', I mean the 'crap why is there smoke filling the whole room'?

Amy made some pop and fresh cinnamon rolls and they were still doughy...well she'd already put the frosting on them so we didn't want to just put them back in the oven and so Jenn thought it would be a good idea to finish cooking it in the microwave. Well that might have been a good idea if she had put them in for a reasonable amount of time or even watched it cook. But nope, she put it for a really high time limit and didn't watch it at all until the kitchen was filling with smoke.

Here are a couple pictures of the poor cinnamon roll (Becky said it looks like poop on a plate - and I can't really argue with her)

Here it is still smoking in the microwave

When she took it out of the microwave she threw it out onto the deck to cool off!

In case you were wondering...the plate did come clean. Megan and I doubted Jenn's abilities but it totally came clean with no sign of burn-age!

Oh and the place smelled like burnt cinnamon roll for a good 10-12 hours!!

1 comment:

Butte Family said...

and to think that Jen was on her own for 18 months to cook for herself....scary thought!!!!