Thursday, November 13, 2008


Well I don't really have anything clever to write about today so I thought now was as good a time as any to post my Halloween pictures!!!!

Me & Cory - I love this picture! We were taking a picture with both his and my camera so that is why we aren't looking at the camera!

Me & Leah!

Emily & I!

Us again! (She absolutely loves how many pictures I take!)
Please note: Sarcasm

Me & Amy!

Emily, Me, & Amy!

Cory as Dr. Horrible (for those of you who don't know who that is...please go to right now and watch the videos! Please, please, go right now!)

Dr. Horrible and his nemesis Captain Hammer (aka Dave)

Classic Dr. Horrible/Captain Hammer scene!

"Captain Hammer dislocated my shoulder...again"

We played some Rock Band! The important thing to note in this picture is that Cory is actually playing!! (prior to this night...he refused to play Rock Band and/or Guitar Hero) And don't tell him I told you but he actually had a good time!

That is some hard core playing!

This was when we noticed Cory was actually enjoying himself! (Shhh...don't tell him)

Then Ty got there and joined in the fun!

There were a couple other people there as well but apparently I didn't want any pictures of them! Sorry!

We ended the night by watching (well I slept thru the last part) Transformers...not really a Halloween movie but awesome with Dave's surround sound!!!!

All in all...a pretty great night! I LOVE PEOPLE!


Myndi said...

I went right then.. but only cuz you asked so nicely

Elizabeth said...

So Dave Clegg is totally my cousin. What a small world.

Glad you started a blog Tara! :)

Tia J said...

I love that you have a blog! Isn't it a wonderful world to be apart of? YOu have so much fun! We have finally got into a house. We are living in McCammon right by Pocatello so if you are ever trhis way stop by or just want to take a road trip you are welcome to I would love to see you. Next time I am at my Grandma's I will call you and we need to do dinner or something.

Ben, Starlene, Aiden, Brynlee, and Kynzee said...

Awesome. I love the pics. I am glad you finally got a blog. I love it. Now I can keep track of you and your very fun life.

Annie said...

Ha ha! I love Cory's costume! Looks like a great night. Love you!